Thursday 3 January 2013

Chapter 5

Happy New Year guys! sorry it's taken so long to update this story. I've been working like crazy, and school is soo stressing me out. I'm going to make these chapters longer I promise. I'll get better at this. lol I love to write but this is my first time writing a fan fic, which by the way is ALL FALSE. hope you guys enjoy :)

  Nicki began to stir as Safaree was getting out of the shower. They had been asleep all day. It was almost 6 o'clock and Safaree felt that they should go talk to Nicki's parents. Her mom was due any day now with her little brother, and Safaree thought she would understand if Nicki explained the full situation.

 "Hey babe." Safaree said as he saw her look up at him from the bed.

 "You feelin' okay? You look really pale."

 She slowly sat up in the middle of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her.

 "Yeah I'm fine. Still really sleepy though."

 "Alright, well I was thinking, ya know, we should probably go talk to your mom. She has to know Nicki, she wouldn't be upset if you explained to her what that worthless dickhead did to you. Your mom doesn't have it in her to treat her daughter badly over something she couldn't help"

The words spilled out of his mouth as he rushed his sentence. He knew she wasn't gonna have it. She cherished her mother so much and couldn't watch her become  filled with disappointment.

 "I don't know Faree. I'm scared." she said rubbing her stomach.

 She felt so foolish. Doing the work of a woman when she was just 14. Her mother always told her about teen pregnancy, and here she was part of the pack.

 "Onika, please. I know she'll understand. Plus you can't just be stayin here until she knows. You know she wouldn't let you stay at a boys house."

 "Alright fine, she should be home. Usually when she stays Dad leaves, so I guess we'll try."

 She eased out of the bed, steadying herself on the night stand. She felt really dizzy nauseous. This was all so new to her, and she was so terrified to go through it.

 "Let me put my shoes on, then we can go."

 "Alright babe."

 Safaree gently grabbed her hand as she was finished putting her vans back on.

 "I'm right here, please don't be scared. We're in this together. Regardless of what your mother says, I'll be here til the day I die, raising these beautiful babies with you,"

 He gently rubbed her small bump while she was still sat on the couch. Nicki gently laid into his arms as he rubbed her stomach.

 "That's so relaxing." she whispered as her body relaxed into him.

 "I'll do this every night if you need me too." he said looking down at her. She had tears pouring.

 "I'm so nauseated. I feel like I have to throw up all the time. It really helps." She placed her hand on top of his.

 "Why are you crying." He whispered, trying not to upset her more and interrupt her relaxed state.

  "I'm so afraid my mom will hate me, and all of this will be taken from me. I need you Faree."


  Nicki and Safaree pulled up to her house. Praying her dad wasn't home, she reluctantly walked into the house. Her mom was standing at the stove cooking, her father seemed to be gone. Sighing her and Safaree sat at the kitchen table.

 "Hey baby, how was school?"

 Nicki shot a glance at Safaree. He began to speak for Nicki.

 "Ms. Carol, there's something we need to talk to you about."

 Safaree nervously rubbed his hands on his thighs.

 "Mommy, I'm.." she began to sob hard as her mother sat down and stared a hole into her face.

 "I'm pregnant." she choked out. Her cries were so hard she began choking.

 "Safaree what do you think this is? She's 14 year old girl, you 16. How dare you guys go around acting grown! Huh?" she yelled.

 "I thought I raised you right Onika. Why go out and do something like this? You aren't even old enough to hold a job. How the hell will you take care of a baby?"

 Nicki's cries filled the room. Safaree watching her helplessly, trying to think of something to say.

 "Answer me Onika!" Carol's voice boomed.

"Babies Mom, I'm having twins." was all she could say before she began to sob some more. She felt like she was going to be sick, and she had a headache vastly approaching.

"Twins! You're having twins. You know what! I can't have this! Both of you, out of my house NOW! I will not be embarrassed because you want to act all fresh" Her mother screamed at her, practically shoving her out of the house.

 Nicki ran out of the house. She sprinted down the street. She had no idea where she was going, she just had to get away. Safaree jumped in his car and came chasing after her. Before he knew it she collapsed to the ground, hitting the hard gravel road.

Oh my God, Oh my God. This can't be happening. What have I done?

 He thought as he jumped out of the car. He picked her up and gently laid her in the back seat of his car. He glanced back at her frequently as he drove her to the hospital. She was unconscious the whole ride.


Safaree pulled up to the hospital. He carried her through the double doors, rushing to the nurses desk.

"Ma'am" He smacked the desk frantically

"My girlfriend, she's three months pregnant with twins. Her and her mom got into an argument, she sprinted out the house and collapsed to the ground," He was out of breath as he poured his words out.

"Okay sir, follow me."

 Safaree carried her to the back and followed the nurse into the room.

 "Lay her down gently on the bed, the doctor will be here in one moment."

 Safaree sat, his knee bouncing, legs shaking, praying to God that the love of his life and her babies would be okay. Interrupting Safaree's thoughts, the doctor knocked on the door.

 "Hello sir, you must be the boyfriend." the tall slender white male said shaking Safaree's hand.

 "Yes Doctor. Is she gonna be okay? The babies?"

 "Has she eaten at all today? gotten any sleep or drank any water?"

 "We got back from the health clinic and she went straight to sleep. When she woke up we went to tell her mom about the pregnancy. She didn't take it well and she got very upset. and no, she hasn't eaten today at all."

"Well i'm sure she'll be fine. But I'm going to wake her up to do an ultra sound, and give her some food."

 The doctor walked over to her and shook her gently.


 Nicki stirred, her eyes fluttering open

 "woah, where am I?" Her eyes were squinted from the bright light.

 "The hospital, Onika could you lift your shirt for me? I need to do an ultra sound, so we can check on those babies."
Nicki slowly lifted her shirt. Her small bump bulged out as she rested it just above her stomach. Safaree walked over and held her hand as the doctor instructed her to unbutton her pants so he could measure her belly.

He placed the cool ultrasound gel on her as he placed the probe towards her lower abdomen to look at the babies.

"Well they still look pretty healthy. Baby B though is very very small to be developed at three months."

Nicki's eyes began to water as she looked at the screen. That was her little girl. She just prayed that she'd be okay.


  1. Ugh why Safaree didn't open his damn mouth. He could have told Mama Carol the damn truth. That the twins wasn't his and she was raped in HER house.

  2. this truly was a heartbreaking chapter :'((((( hope everything gets better soon!

  3. I really hoped that Nic will be able to try & at least talk to Mama Carol about how she really ended up pregnant.

  4. OMG! I don't even know what to say! I wish I would've saw your reply on the last post earlier. Why didn't Safaree let Mama Carol know the truth? I'm pretty sure she'll come to her senses and notice she did the wrong thing kicking Nicki out...right? Good Chapter.
