Tuesday 11 December 2012

Chapter 4

I have to work a lot and exams are coming up before break so i'm giving you chapter 4 before i become swamped with life. anywhore, I hope you guys like the story so far. I read a lot of the other OF fics and im trying to make this one a little different. i'm willing to take any ideas because i'm reallly new at this. so here it goes.

  Nicki and Safaree drove back to his house because they knew everyone would already be gone. They were both scared. Safaree knew no of this was Nicki's fault and he'd stand by her the whole way through.

 "Hey Nic" Safaree asked as he pulled into the driveway and parked his car.

 "Yes Faree?" she turned to face him, her tears streaming freely.

 "I just wanted to tell you, that I know none of this is your fault," he paused and looked up at her.

 "I mean ya know, if you want me too, i'll stand by you through all of this." he said softly as he looked down.

 Nicki began to sob harder as they sat in the car, her cries over powering the thick, eerie silence. She was so happy to have him, but so scared and so nervous she couldn't speak. Everything was starting to get to her.

 "Faree, I would love that. I don't think you realize how greatful i am for you," she said in between sobs.

 "Well I mean it. Now lets go get you in bed. You look exhausted, and for these babies, I want you healthy."

 They walked into the house and up to Safaree's room. Nicki looked at herself in the full length mirror in his room. She lifted her hoodie as she actually noticed her stomach was really loud, and frankly, pretty big.

 "My god Faree I really look pregnant. Everyone had to of seen. I'm thankful I'm basically on bed rest for the sake of my children and my sanity," she chuckled dryly.

 "Twins man. I can't even believe. I hope you have one of each."

 "Yeah, I definitely want a little girl. Both would be really nice though. It's really weird Faree. I'm actually pretty content with this. Well besides being scared of giving them a good life, but I would never give up my children" Nicki sighed placing her hand on her tummy and rubbing in small circles.

 "I want a coon to raise! I want to teach him how to play basketball and how to be a good man," Safaree said excitedly placing his hand on top of Nicki's.

 "Your're really going to be there with me through all of this?"

 "Of Course! Nic, You're the love of my life and my best friend. We didn't plan this and you don't deserve to go through this alone."

 "Thank you Faree."

 Nicki laid his head on her chest, listening to his labored breathing. He wrapped his arms securely around her  as she began to drift off.

Chapter 3

*NOTE* from now on the story will be starting from the beginning. Safaree 16 and Nic 14. i hope you guys like it. feel free to comment with whatever. i'll take anything pinions, ideas, criticism lol. anywhore here it goes.

   14 year old Onika was sitting in her small bedroom doing her math assignment as she listened to all the commotion from her father downstairs. He was doing a drug deal with his friends, and frankly Nicki was sick of it. But there was nothing she could do to stop it. She continued to listen as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They were heavy footsteps. Her father Robert was very abusive. Physically and Mentally. suddenly she became frightened as she back up towards her head board. The door swung open and it was one of her father's friends. Lionel.
   "hey sexy" he said as he licked his lips, lounging towards her. "word on the street is that you a whore, so I know you know how to please me."
    "NO! please don't. please" little Nicki cried, tears pouring from her eyes.
    Lionel grabbed her and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He began forcefully ripping her close off, leaving the terrified little girl shaking and naked. He pulled off her pants and his boxers, taking out his manhood. He held her thighs tightly to the bed as he entered her with full force.
    "STOP! please. why are you doing this to me." she croaked, but no one came. "Someone please help me. please. "DAD! someone please." her cries suddenly stopped when Lionel took her math text book and beat her until she was unconscious.
    "That ought to shut you up til i'm finished, Little bitch."

   Hours later Nicki woke up with the headache of life. she could hardly move as her still naked body was sore from the evenings events. She slowly sat up, her headache worsening. She examined her body. Blood was everywhere and she had bruises all over. She looked at the clock, it was 8:30. Her mother being a nurses aide, wouldn't get off until 11. Nicki tried with all her strength to stand and walk to the shower, bringing the sheets and clothes with her to throw in the washer.
   "Ow.." she sobbed silently to herself.
  Finally making it to the shower she turned the water on and got in. She stood in the luke warm water crying. It didn't seem real. She couldn't believe such an horrific event had just happened to her.
  Once out of the shower, she put on some sweats and a tank top before slowly walking to her bed. she climbed in and grabbed her pillow. She squeezed it tight as she cried, trying to cover up the pain. Before long she was asleep, afraid to face whats to come next.


3 months later she woke around 4am. She dashed to the bathroom throwing up what seemed like everything she had eaten for the last week. Nicki began to cry knowing what this meant.
  "I know i'm pregnant," she said to herself as she continued to sob. "This can't be happening to me. What am I going to do with a baby." She looked up to the ceiling the tears streaming. "God how could let this happen to me."
   Finally stopping the constant vomiting, she went back into her room. It was now 5:30 and her alarm would be going off in 15 minutes. She knew Safaree was already up. So she decided to call him. Her eyes blurred from the crying, she struggled to find his number.
  "Nicki. Babe are you okay? Why are you crying," he whispered sympathetically down the phone.

  "Faree.." she continued to sob. "Faree I I..... I think I'm pre preg," she choked as she tried to get her words out, before whispering "pregnant."

 "Oh my god Nic.."

 "Faree I need you. Please can you come pick me up?"

  Seeing as they had to go to school anyways, Safaree came and picked her up so she could get ready at his house, with him and Nina.

 "yeah babe, i'm coming now."

  Nicki hung up the phone as she threw on some jeans, vans, and a hoodie.

  "Ugh, I'll just wear this to school."

   Safaree pulled up by the sidewalk as he waited for Nicki. She walked down the stairs careful not to wake her pregnant mother or her drug addicted father. She slowly open the door, shut it, and headed for his car. Tears started forming as she shut the car door and buckled up.

  "Come here babe. I got you," Safaree whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

  They sat there for a good 30 minutes as she sobbed into his chest. She couldn't believe she was about to be a mother.

  "Why don't we take you to the health clinic to be 100% sure you're pregnant." Safaree suggested as he released Nicki and started up the engine.

  "Now?" Nicki whispered.

  "Yeah why not. It's early. We'll make it before homeroom ends, so we'll be a little late.

  "Okay." she said as they turned to look out the window.


 Nicki and Safaree walked into the health clinic. It was still very early so only a few people were there. They approached the receptionist.

 "Hello, what can I do for you two?" she said sweetly.

 "We need a pregnancy test done, and probably a check up." Safaree answered.

 "Okay, well i'll need one of you to fill out her information and someone should be right with you."

 "Thank You."

 Safaree took the clipboard and lead Nicki to sit down. She watched him intently as he filled out everything. They had been friends for so long, dating for about a year. He finished and took the clipboard back up.

*10 minutes later*

"Onika Maraj" a tall slender black woman called out.

They got up and walked towards her. Safaree took Nicki's shaking hand into his as they continued to follow the woman into the ultrasound room.

"Onika I'm going to need to do a urine test to see if you're pregnant or not. So i'll leave you to do that. I'll return in 5 minutes with Dr. Smith."

"Okay Thank You," she whispered shyly.

 The woman left and Nicki made her way to the restroom. When she returned she waited anxiously for the Dr and nurses aide to return.

"Onika darling, are you done?"


"Well I'm Dr. Smith." the kind woman closed the door and extended her hand to shake. "and who are you?" she asked looking towards Safaree.

"I'm Safaree." He extended his hand and shook hers.

"Pleased to meet you both." she said sweetly. "Well we've sent the test to be done and should know in about 10 minutes. But honey you look quite young to be in here for a pregnancy test." she asked concerned, getting the impression that Nicki wouldn't sleep around.

"It's not what you think," Nicki whispered looking down.

"Alright honey, I won't push the subject, I just needed some type of answer, and that was plenty" she said as she saw the tears coming down into Nicki's lap.

Safaree rubbed her back in small circles as the doctor asked  her questions and explained the procedure to her if she was pregnant. The nurses aide walked in with the results, handing them to the doctor and silently walking back out.

"Well Onika, honey you are definitely pregnant, so i'm going to performed an ultrasound, is that okay?"

"Yes Ma'am" she answered shyly as the tears began to pour.

The doctor set everything up. She lifted Nicki hoodie and put some warm gel on her. She placed the probe down and began to look at the screen intently. Scrunching up her face, she turned to face Nicki.

"Onika, sweetie you're 12 weeks pregnant with what seems to me to be twins."

"Oh my god," she whispered, starring at the screen with her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god," she continued to say.

"With a multiple pregnancy, and your tiny frame, my suggestion is that you go home for the day and rest. I am also going to write you a doctors note for you to take online classes because you also have low iron. You're not confined to bed rest yet, but eventually you will because of your iron levels."

 Nicki and Safaree sat there taking it all in. The doctor gave them some prescriptions and sent them on their way.


Monday 10 December 2012


okay guys! this is Amanda. My first time posting actually using blogger, so bear with me lol. I'm posting chapter 3 tonight! but as of now the post will start when Nicki first becomes pregnant with the twins. i'm going   to build up from the beginning then eventually hit the present day which was the first 3 posts and then go on into the future. i have a lot of amazing ideas for this story, BUT if anyone wants to put their opinion or any ideas ill take anything. i love hearing feedback. my twitter is @ASanforrd28, i'm pretty sure i follow a ton of Barbz on twitter already so i most likely already follow you lol. this story's about to take off so enjoy the ride :)

Chapter Two

All credit goes to Amanda, this is her fic I just edit and post lol Honestly there isn't much to edit 'cause it's amazing!! Her twitter >>> @ASanforrd28
- Carlee x

*Note* sorry the first few chapters are so informative, but I have insane ideas for this story. J  Notice Cailysce calls Nicki mom and Cody doesn’t. There’s a reason. lol*

Nicki and Cailysce stood there hugging for what seemed like an eternity. They just couldn’t let go of each other. Felicia and Safaree stood watching them as they both sobbed.
“I didn’t even see you standing there when I walked in! What is wrong with me? I feel incredibly rude. I was so excited about my game that I ignored you. I’m so sorry.” Cailysce explained whilst Nicki stood there adoring her daughter, who was practically her twin. She just couldn’t stop staring at her. I mean she hasn’t seen them since they were seven, and they’re going on fifteen.
“It’s alright my liddle ladybug. I’m glad you guys won! That’s excite…” Nicki was cut off by Felicia.
“Cailysce why don’t you guys go up and show her your room and catch up? You guys have lots to talk about, and I have to get dinner started. Safaree would you like to help?” Safaree nodded and Cailysce and Nicki made their way to Cai’s room.
The walls were painted a soft yellow and her bed covers and other things being a beautiful black and white floral print. She had pictures all over her room. Many of her with her friends as well as with her mom, Nicki looked around the room gazing at a picture of her and Cailysce sound asleep in the bed when she was about two. Cai laid curled into Nicki’s chest while she had her arms tightly around her. It was the most adorable picture she’d ever seen.
“Funny, that’s my favorite picture too.” She spoke softly as she sat down beside her mother. Nicki’s voice began to tremble as she spoke up.
“Cailysce I’m so sorry baby. I never wanted to leave you. You and Cody were my everything and you guys were just ripped away from me.” Nicki sobbed as Cai wrapped her arms around her mother. She tried so hard to comfort her but she couldn’t. She too began to cry thinking of that day.  

Nicki walked into her mother’s house around 10 o’clock one night after getting off from her shift at red lobster. She’d been there since noon, and honestly she was exhausted. She walked up to her children’s room and opened the door. They weren’t in there. She began to panic and went to see if they’d fallen asleep in her room. Sometimes they’d sleep in there when they missed her. But nothing. She searched frantically when she realized her mother wasn’t there either. They’d been arguing a lot lately so she was uneasy about her taking them, so she decided to call her.
“Mom!” she screamed. “Where are you? Where are my babies?!”
“Nicki I’m in Virginia. I’m visiting an old friend.”
“So you take my kids?! When will you be back?!”
“I’ll be back tomorrow, but your children are staying here.”
“WHAT?! No! No, you can’t do this to me! You can’t take my babies from me!” Nicki screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks. Her mother had hung up on her, she laid in her bed squeezing a picture of the three of them as she cried herself to sleep.

*End of Flashback*

“Mommy please don’t cry. I’ve never thought of you any different, regardless of what happened. I know you really loved us. I still adore you the way I did when I was seven. And I always will.” Cai explained. “But Nana told us otherwise. She would tell us you hated us and you didn’t want us anymore. I just couldn’t find a place in my heart to believe that. Not after all those times we spent together. But Cody believed her. And he’ll prolly call her and tell her you’re here and I’ll get in trouble.”

Nicki sat there shocked at the things her daughter was telling her. How could her own son hate her? How could her mother plot such an evil plan against her? She and Cailysce talked for hours, completely missing dinner. Cailysce cuddled up to Nicki and fell asleep. Just like they had done in the picture. 

Saturday 8 December 2012

Chapter One

As Nicki and Safaree pulled into the drive way, they observed the lavish house. It was beautiful. It looked to be about three stories, with two big bay windows towards the front, a Basketball hoop at the end of the drive way, and six or seven cars already there. Nicki stared out the window, admiring the house before they got out. She spoke softly when Safaree came around and opened her door.
“Faree, I’m so nervous.”
“Hey, I am too. But I’m gonna try to be optimistic about it.” He said as he helped her out of the car, shutting the door behind her. They approached the front door and rang the doorbell. A woman about five feet, mocha colored skin tone, with long dark brown hair answered the door.
“Onika! It’s been years since I’ve seen you. Gosh you must have been maybe ten or eleven.” The woman smiled sweetly at her, leading her and Safaree through to the kitchen. She had a very thick Massachusetts accent that was captivating as she spoke.

“Yeah it’s been a while, Ms. Felicia. I can’t express to you enough how much this means to me. My mind is everywhere right now.” Nicki approached her and gave her a hug.

“Oh, I’m sure it is. And this must be Safaree.” She extended her hand for him to shake. “Well Cailysce and Cody should be back from basketball practice around 4:30. Its 2 now, so they just got out of school. Kids will start piling in from now until around 5ish.”


Felicia was still explaining things to Nicki about their routines and activities their family does when 4:30 came around and two beautiful kids walked in. A boy and A girl. The girl had long black hair down her back, some pink foams on, black warm up pants, and a grey and black hoodie with her name on the back. The boy in a black hoodie, grey warm up pants that matched his twin sister’s and addidas slides. The girl looked exactly like Nicki, while the boy resembled his sister but didn’t look nearly as much as Nicki.
“Oh my God! Ms. Felicia we won our game.” The young teenaged girl screamed as she walked through the front door. “That was the hardest team in the district and we’re still undefeated!” She beamed as she was telling her how great the game was, completely oblivious to Nicki  admiring her every move.

“Yeah we won too ma! The boys’ varsity team is undefeated as well. We’re definitely going to states this year." Cody stood their talking to Felicia, when he noticed Nicki  staring at him. He shot her an evil glare as he stormed up the stairs.

“Well Cai, baby go upstairs and get ready for dinner. I have some things to attend too.” She nodded her head as she continued to text on her iPhone, heading up the stairs. She still never noticed Nicki who was still stood their shocked at the way Cody looked at her. She suddenly felt as if she shouldn’t be doing this.
“Did you see the way he looked at me?!” Nicki exclaimed. “I shouldn’t be here. I’m ruining everything. They have such a great life here, and here I come plowing into it, trying to tear them apart.” Nicki sobbed uncontrollably when she heard foot steps come down the stairs. She turned around to see the girl embrace her in a tight hug.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Nicki was sitting in her room with the door shut taking an important phone call. She had been waiting for this moment for so long and finally she’d get her old life back. Interrupting her call there was a knock at the door.
“Yo Nicki, hurry up, we have to go!” Yelled Safaree
 “I’m coming! Well Felicia I have to go. I’ll call you back after I do my interviews to arrange my flight and stay in Virginia. Thank you so much for all of this.”
“No Problem Onika. I think you’ll be surprised when you get here. It’s been so long since we’ve seen you. I’ll talk to you later tonight. Bye."
Nicki hung up the phone, grabbed her purse, and rushed down stairs to meet her crew and head to her interview with E!

*2 Days Later*

Nicki’s heart raced as she boarded the private jet from New York to Virginia. She couldn’t control her emotions. She shook nervously the whole flight, silently shedding a few tears every once and a while.
“Hey,” Safaree came and gently touched her arm. “You Alright? Why are you so worried? You’ll be fine.”
“Because Faree!” She screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “What if they don’t remember me? What if they hate me for everything that’s happened? What if they realize who I am and want nothing to do with this life? Faree I can’t go another day without that piece of my life being rekindled.”
She and Safaree lay there, holding each other in deep thought. Before they knew it the plane landed and it was time for her to face this once and for all. 


*I'm SUPER new at this and I don't know what I'm doing but enjoy!*

By @ASanforrd28