Tuesday 11 December 2012

Chapter 4

I have to work a lot and exams are coming up before break so i'm giving you chapter 4 before i become swamped with life. anywhore, I hope you guys like the story so far. I read a lot of the other OF fics and im trying to make this one a little different. i'm willing to take any ideas because i'm reallly new at this. so here it goes.

  Nicki and Safaree drove back to his house because they knew everyone would already be gone. They were both scared. Safaree knew no of this was Nicki's fault and he'd stand by her the whole way through.

 "Hey Nic" Safaree asked as he pulled into the driveway and parked his car.

 "Yes Faree?" she turned to face him, her tears streaming freely.

 "I just wanted to tell you, that I know none of this is your fault," he paused and looked up at her.

 "I mean ya know, if you want me too, i'll stand by you through all of this." he said softly as he looked down.

 Nicki began to sob harder as they sat in the car, her cries over powering the thick, eerie silence. She was so happy to have him, but so scared and so nervous she couldn't speak. Everything was starting to get to her.

 "Faree, I would love that. I don't think you realize how greatful i am for you," she said in between sobs.

 "Well I mean it. Now lets go get you in bed. You look exhausted, and for these babies, I want you healthy."

 They walked into the house and up to Safaree's room. Nicki looked at herself in the full length mirror in his room. She lifted her hoodie as she actually noticed her stomach was really loud, and frankly, pretty big.

 "My god Faree I really look pregnant. Everyone had to of seen. I'm thankful I'm basically on bed rest for the sake of my children and my sanity," she chuckled dryly.

 "Twins man. I can't even believe. I hope you have one of each."

 "Yeah, I definitely want a little girl. Both would be really nice though. It's really weird Faree. I'm actually pretty content with this. Well besides being scared of giving them a good life, but I would never give up my children" Nicki sighed placing her hand on her tummy and rubbing in small circles.

 "I want a coon to raise! I want to teach him how to play basketball and how to be a good man," Safaree said excitedly placing his hand on top of Nicki's.

 "Your're really going to be there with me through all of this?"

 "Of Course! Nic, You're the love of my life and my best friend. We didn't plan this and you don't deserve to go through this alone."

 "Thank you Faree."

 Nicki laid his head on her chest, listening to his labored breathing. He wrapped his arms securely around her  as she began to drift off.


  1. Awwwwww ^-^ This was so cute!! SB's super sweet for standing by her side!! I wld be so freaking scared if i was her! :(( Good luck w/your exams! I'm sure you'll do great! :D xx Carlee :*

    1. thanks baby<3 xo i really have some crazy ideas with this.

  2. This was really good! I wish the chapters were longer tho theyre really short. If I was Nicki I'd be soo scared crying non stop. Safaree is very strong for being able to handle all this the way he is. Good Chapter.

  3. This story is so cute! I like where its going! The chapters could be a bit longer; but other than that, this story is fine!!

  4. This is so sad, but cute at the same time. I'm so glad Nicki has Safaree, he's so sweet. I'm nervous for them to tell her parents, and how they will react. I can't wait to see where this story goes, post soon.

  5. Ughhh, I wanna kill her daddy and his stupid ass friends. Like that just pissed me off. She has to go thru this at a young age and she didn't ask for any of this. Now she has to live with the fact that she's having twins by her rapist. Thank God she doesn't have to go thru this alone. I know Safaree would keep his word. But like how would her parents take this ? Well her parent becuz it's her father's fault anyway. Bringing anybody around his daughter..
